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ART+GALLERY: NYC End-Of-W(inter) Photography.

Writer's picture: isorapaloisorapalo

Black+White Images of New York City Winter Wonderland.


We've reached the end of this (old) cold month and it's only 20 more days until Winter-ENDS and we welcome SPRING!

It's going to be a very, very, very interesting SPRING season when it comes to allergies. Remember trees, flowers, and bushes pollens usually becomes "all activated" and in-full-force (aaaaa-choo). Allergies take vengeance on those who suffers from allergies like me. YIKES!!!!

It's very interesting now that mask(s) and covid are becoming "diminutive" according to tri-states officials shenanigans; They just can't decide what do anymore or what to say because one thing for sure is that this life has become tougher and more complex. More importantly, my conclusion to please take-care of yourself and your family--it's a simple as that my friends!!! On this "new" season perhaps you will stay wondering and double guessing yourself the following " this person sick with covid or just pure allergy."

Anyways, back to this winter gallery...New York had approximately 3-4 heavy-snow days but it's beauty did not last because it melted the next day, so I had to captured the fresh-powder to admire this year's winter-wonderland in New York City. I don't know about y'all but weather is really unstable and so unreliable lately. ---Do you beleive in climate change? It's real y'all don't be fooled.




Exhibit A:

Riverdale's Roads+Pines (Image By: Iso Raplao)

Exhibit B:

Hamilton's Snow+Bricks+Plants 2022 (Image By: Iso Rapalo)

Exhibit C:

Riverdale's Crossroads (Image By: Iso Rapalo)

Exhibit D:

Hamilton's Back-Of-Building Buried Bike (Image By: Iso Rapalo)

Hope you enjoyed a few images that I snapped around New York. Comment below which one was your favorite one and why?

"What freezings have I felt, what dark days seen!"

--W. Shakespeare (Sonnet 97)


Until next time my friends, thanks for passing by my food.culture.lifestyles adventures!!! Be well, Be safe, and Stay kind!


Iso Rapalo

(*) This post and images is dedicated to a special friend "Andrea S." creator of (WE) Women's Enlightenment LLC. who is a major supporter of this project.

Thank You! xoxox, Iso

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